Does Brad Smith Have the Nicest Twitter Ever?


When you really look at it, athletes, especially collegiate athletes, are the closest most people ever come to following “normal” people on Twitter outside their own friends and relatives. My own Twitter feed consists mostly of news, bloggers, struggling comedians looking for re-tweets, athletes, and people that I personally know. In most cases, it’s usually the athletes that use Twitter more to micro-blog the more mundane aspects of their life rather than tweeting the news, jokes, or anything else that would make them seem remotely interesting. In terms of athletes that I follow, most of them are connected to Mizzou, whether they are currently playing or played there not too long ago. For the most part, the Mizzou athletes on Twitter provide the tweets like, “Playing NBA 2K11 with my homies!” or, “McD’s Big Mac n Strawberry Lemonade!” (the current Mizzou athletes are really loving the strawberry lemonade lately. May have to try it).

While most of the feeds for Mizzou players are relatively normal and safe (outside of Keion Bell constantly tweeting about swag and former basketball players JT Tiller and Keith Ramsey casually tweeting about looking for friends with benefits), there’s only one Mizzou Twitter feed that may or may not have been sent to us by angels, and that Twitter belongs to former Mizzou quarterback Brad Smith.

Smith, currently playing the role of Swiss Army Knife for the New York Jets, is reportedly one of the nicest Mizzou athletes around today, and that’s really saying something considering how nice most of the popular Mizzou athletes appear to be when on camera or doing public activities. That said, Brad Smith may be one of the most impossibly nice guys to ever don the black and gold, and it constantly shows through his Twitter, which is relatively new. Mr. Smith is currently around 330 tweets into his early account, and I’ve yet to see anything that even resembles playful argument.

After rolling through Smith’s entire feed, I counted an estimated 61 tweets either complimenting or thanking somebody on Twitter. In relative terms, so far around 20 percent of Smith’s tweets involve thanking somebody, telling someone they’re awesome, retweeting them, etc. Outside of that, his word cloud is pretty normal, although it for some reason doesn’t include the word ‘thank.’

Info graphics after the jump! Trust me, they’re really cool.

Yeah, ‘lol’ may be pretty strong, and for some reason ‘thank’ is really in there as far as I know, but it can always be worse. Want to see the difference? Here is Keion Bell’s word cloud.

Considering how little ‘swagg’ is, it’s amazing how many times Mr. Bell actually uses ‘lol.’ And just for grins, here’s one of my favorite random accounts, ZODIAC MOTHERF#$%ER.

I think that’s more than enough proof that Brad Smith currently has the nicest Twitter ever. Except for maybe the Dalai Llama.

Enjoy your Saturday!