Clarifying Information on Pinkel Arrest


I just got off the phone with Chief Deputy Major Tom Reddin from the Boone County sheriff’s department a few minutes ago. He’s been fielding calls from reporters about MU football coach Gary Pinkel’s DWI arrest all day, so there wasn’t anything very new or surprising for him to tell me. However, I wanted to post the information because it’s always better to report information you gathered yourself when you have a chance to do that instead of citing other news sources.

Most importantly, the police report is a closed record pending prosecution. If the prosecuting attorney decides to press charges against Pinkel, the probable cause statement will be a matter of public record.  Reddin estimated the prosecutors’ office could receive the sheriff’s department’s reports as early as tomorrow, but could take as long as a year to decide whether or not to charge Pinkel.

Reddin said Boone County deputies pulled Pinkel over on Keane St., north of Broadway Blvd., at approximately 10:15 p.m. Wed. and obtained probable cause to believe he was impaired. Because of the ongoing investigation, Reddin could not comment on what the probable cause was, what field sobriety tests were administered or what Pinkel’s blood alcohol content was.

Reddin said Pinkel was cooperative and allowed to post bond. Zoulogy will continue to post updates as the story develops.

More Pinkel DWI coverage

Update: Pinkel Arrested On Suspicion of DWI (with mug shot)

Devil’s Advocate: Let Pinkel Decide His Fate