Yeah, this pretty much is the top Mizzou-centric story of the week. I..."/>

Yeah, this pretty much is the top Mizzou-centric story of the week. I..."/>

Story of the Week: Marcus Denmon Got a Haircut


Yeah, this pretty much is the top Mizzou-centric story of the week. It was that slow. Curse the off-season.

Anyways, with Denmon’s recent change in hairstyle, the Tigers officially have no players with dreads or cornrows, and honestly it makes me a little sad. We’ve lost DeMarre Carroll’s glorious dreads to graduation, and now we’ve lost the cornrows of Denmon, Michael Dixon, and Phil Pressey to haircuts.

That said, it’s a pretty good look for Mr. Denmoney. He can grow it out into an Afro or maybe even go old school and turn it into a Jheri curl by the time basketball season starts. Then he can join the brilliant hairstyles of Coco Crisp and Michael Beasley! It just goes to show you just how much buzz (haha, pun!) hairstyles get in the sporting world. And as long as it’s never about a white man with dreadlocks, I’m totally O.K. with that.

Have a great weekend, everybody. And get a cool hairstyle while you’re at it.