Morning Zou 7-12-2011: John Anderson’s Event, David Yost’s Doppelgänger, Breaking Bad


As always, I find myself changing up the format for our intermittent “morning” posts. There’s something about link dumps that makes me want to not do them. Probably has to do with the morning thing.

John Anderson hosted a charity golf tournament

The second annual John Anderson Celebrity Gold Invitational was held yesterday despite the fact that the sun has seemed to move with just a few miles of Missouri’s surface (obvious metaphor for “holy God it’s hot out there”). Former Tiger athletes, ESPN anchors, and other Mizzou-related celebs (especially Jon Hamm) came out for the charity event to play a little golf for a good cause. Around $20,000 in donations (each) were collected for Food Bank, Columbia Public Schools, and relief efforts in Joplin. Not bad, not bad at all. [The Missourian]

Annnnd… that’s about it in terms of Mizzou news. It seems that the slightly steady stream of articles and worthy stories dried out when the heat wave hit. Outside of that, other than the Askren brothers duking it out and Chelsea Thomas doing more awesome things for team USA softball, there’s not much Tiger talk going on around here.

David Yost looks like Jeff Daniels

Yup, this is the stuff I get to resort to when I get deprived of oxygen, liquids, and relevant things to write about. Missouri’s offensive coordinator may be well known for turning guys like Blaine Gabbert into top-tier college quarterbacks, but what I really love him for is his turns in movies like Dumb and Dumber and Arachnophobia. The Squid and the Whale is a little too artsy for my tastes, but I still think he’s a good actor.

‘Breaking Bad’ premieres this weekend. I feel sad for anyone not watching that show

While all of the entertainment buzz seems to be going towards the final Harry Potter movie of the original series (you know Rowling is going to come up with a new story or series eventually), a fairly large group of TV nerds, including myself, are getting pumped for the best show currently on TV. BB returns this Sunday after a year long hiatus that will allow someone other than Bryan Cranston to win the Emmy for Best Lead Actor in a Drama Series. While Mad Men is AMC’s flagship program, a lot of people believe Breaking Bad to be the best TV show since ‘The Wire’, and some people are even calling it better than ‘The Wire’. As someone who has not seen ‘The Wire’ but hopes to some time in the near future (HBO box sets are too expensive. Maybe Christmas), I can say that ‘Breaking Bad’ is the best TV show I have ever watched. The characters, the story, the building tensions that lead to one crazy climax after the other, it all fits together like one big, beautiful, realistic and violent puzzle of a great show. What’s more is that it has managed to get better with each progressing season, something I haven’t encountered much in my small sample size of TV shows that I have watched. If you haven’t picked this show up, I suggest that you go out and get Season 1 right now. This isn’t a show that you should start in the middle. Anyways, I’m tiding myself over with this fabulous article from the New York Times until then. [New York Times Mag]