Saturday Fun Stuff: Jokes to Use at kU night at the K.


I know everybody who reads this won’t be a Royals fans, but tonight the royals are having a “KU night at the K” basiclly they give people who buy tickets through a a certain website get a special group rate on tickets, a free hat, and there is a bunch of athletes there. Mizzou had one at some point in June and gave away a pretty cool black and gold Royals hat. As I will be attending the game this evening, it got me to thinking…what hilarious jokes could I use throughout the night?

Tell the Royals to watch out for the football players…because they like to fight.

Any VCU or UNI joke (especially if there is a 3 run home run you can yell FAROKHMANESH!)

Say there are more Kansas fans here tonight then there was at the Border Showdown last fall

If the Royals score more than 3 runs, bring up that they scored more than Kansas did against North Dakota State.

You know there is a reason that they put KU night and Ladies Night on the same day, right? (I am not kidding, they are both on the same night)

Ask if they got their tickets from the athletic department…

I will add some more as the day goes on, and might do an update after the game tonight.

If you have any good ones, don’t hesitate to leave some in the comments.

Have a Good Weekend Everybody!